LEND – The Italian Teachers’ Association, pag. 24-27
SALERNO – The LEND group in Salerno, organized by Mario Papa, began to meet in 1972 with only a few members. Now there are about 100 members from all over the province. Activities have dveloped into two directions: the general principles of LEND (teacher training, reform of the Italian school system) through meetings organized with teachers from all over the province and parents, headmasters, and local TV and radio broadcasters.
The other activity is concerned with self-training of foreign language teachers in small groups (praparation of teaching units, role-playing, etc.).
During 1976-77, two interesting lectures were given by Roy Boardman of the British Council Institute, Naples, on “Role-playing” and “Language and Literature”. These inspired the group to study, discuss and produce short pieces of material.
During 1977-78 the group will organize three seminars on the methodology and teaching of English, French and Italian, sponsored bu the Ministry of Education.
The group meets regularly every Wednesday at the “Idstituto Tecnico Genovesi”, Salerno.
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